Erie Marsh Preserve restoration in final stages

Erie Marsh Preserve restoration in final stages
Erie Marsh Preserve restoration in final stages
The Erie marsh is being reconnected to Lake Erie making roughly 250 acres of potential habitat available to fish for spawning and foraging. Provided by Jason Whalen
A man takes photographs at the Erie Marsh. Provided by Deb Allen
Lotuses bloom at the Erie Marsh.
Helen Taylor

Migrating birds are creating their once-a-year excursion north to forests, prairies, streams, rivers and seashores across the United States and Canada.

Hundreds of tens of millions of birds will end together the way and southeast Michigan is one of their favourite sites to relaxation and refuel. These stopover websites are essential to the survival of migratory birds, whose journeys can span 1000’s of miles, some traveling from as far as the tropical forests of South The usa.

The a lot more we can do to supply the habitat they require all through their arduous journey, the superior we can defend their long term survival.

And we profit, as well. Migratory birds give far more than lovely plumes and melodic phone calls. Our feathered friends have a considerable favourable influence on our natural environment, economy and mental well being.